
Is Raw Garlic the missing piece of the  Cure Puzzle?


作者Conrad LeBeau

For the past year, I have received several emails from readers on our mailing list that attempted to follow portions of “Mary from Brooklyn’s” protocol that has apparently cured her of HIV infection.


Most of the protocols focused on the use of black seed and also vitamin D. No one reported the use of a raw garlic clove 3 times a day with meals. It may also be noteworthy that no one has achieved the level of success that Mary achieved – return to a normal CD4/CD8 ratio (1 to 2.5) and flipping the antibody test from pos. to neg.

大多的方式把焦點集中在黑種籽(Nigella sativa, black seed一種黑色草的種子,黑種草木蓿),和維他命D的功效,而沒有人回報一日三次隨三餐食用一瓣生大蒜的功效。也許是因為沒人達成像這網友瑪莉一樣的程度—恢復到正常的CD4/CD8細胞比例1~2.5,並且翻轉原本的感染抗體檢測檢果,從陽性變成陰性。

For some weeks I have been wondering if there was some missing factor in “Mary from Brooklyn” apparent cure that has been overlooked. Over the past several months, several of you have sent me emails detailing self-help treatments, some with, and, some without prescribed HIV drugs.


On November 29th, I talked with a reader from the West Coast who told me interesting story and asked that his name not be used. I will call him John Doe #1. I have talked to John Doe #1 on and off for the past 25 years. He is a male in his 50’s and has been positive and using HIV drugs all this time although having maintained a keen interest in natural remedies. Here is what he told me yesterday.


Like Mary from Brooklyn, John Doe #1 lived in a suburb of New York City. Around 1995 he recalls a conversation with several of his friends who were all HIV+, and about one person in the group (John Doe #2) who was an anomaly as he had practiced unsafe sex for several years with men known to have HIV or AIDS, yet he remained HIV negative. As the discussion went, John Doe #1 asked #2 “what do you attribute your negative status too?” HIs reply – “garlic.” John Doe #1 assumed #2 was eating raw garlic although he never actually said that.


Fifteen years later around 2010, John Doe #1 returned to New York and met No 2 who disclosed to him that he was now HIV positive and had been so for the past 2 years. John Doe #1 said to #2: “I want to ask you one question: did you stop eating garlic?” His reply: “Yes.” 

#1 then said to #2: that is why you are now HIV+. In all those years you practiced unsafe sex, the garlic protected you.”



This conversation occurred between us as he called to give me his new address and the subject of Mary from Brooklyn came up. He asked me what I thought of her success and why no one else had duplicated her results. I told him that I had a hunch that garlic might be the missing part of the AIDS cure puzzle.


On Nov 29 I wrote to more than 70 members of the email group, some live in Nigeria. No one has since replied that they had used raw garlic as part of their protocol. One person asked if garlic tablets from a health food store would work as well. My opinion is that they would not. I personally believe that one clove of raw garlic with Ajeone in it has more anti bacteria, anti-fungal and anti-viral effect than a whole bottle of dried garlic capsules. I did cite a study years ago that aged garlic extract taken at a dose of 5 grams a day helped to significantly improve the CD4/CD8 ratio, a key indicator that the protocol is working.


Scientific Research on Aged Garlic extract and HIV


1989 – The following excerpt is from the Immune Restoration Handbook 3rd end (page 228) quoting from a study on the use of 5 grams daily of an aged garlic extract used in treating 6 Aids patients:


“A study published in the German Medical Journal “Deutsche Zeitshrift” in Oct, 1989 by T.H. Abdullad, D.V. Kirkpatrick and J. Carter, reports on the results of 7 AIDS patients taking 5 grams of garlic daily as an aged extract, similar to Kyolic garlic. They said that 6 of the 7 patients had normal NK cell activity after 6 weeks and that all had normal NK activity after 12 weeks. Five of the 7 had significant improvements in their T4/T8 ratios after 12 weeks with 3 returning to normal reference ranges of 1.0 or higher. They also reported a lessening of diarrhea in one patient with Cryptosporidia, fewer outbreaks of Herpes, Thrush, Candidiasis, and Sinus infections.” 

一篇198910月在德國醫藥誌“Deutsche Zeitshrift”刊載的研究,由T.H. AbdulladD.V. KirkpatrickJ. Carter共同進行的研究報告指出,七位接受實驗的愛滋病友每日服用5克乾燥大蒜萃取物,六周後就有六位體內恢復了正常的NK細胞(Natural Killer Cell自然殺手細胞)活動,12周後全體對象都恢復了這樣的體內NK細胞活動。12周後有五位在T4/T8淋巴細胞比例上有顯著的改善,其中三位更是恢復到正常的數值並更高。這些學者也指出,其中一位原本有腹瀉的患者,也因為這樣改善了小隱孢子蟲引起的腹瀉,也一併減少了鵝口瘡,皰疹、念珠菌感染、鼻竇感染等等感染症狀。

       Note: in 1989, the only FDA approved drug to treat AIDS was AZT and it did not work for very long. The 1989 article did not indicate that AZT had been used along with the aged garlic extract.


Update: a search I did for this abstract today Dec 2, 2017 at the National Library of Medicine has turned up nothing. My opinion is that someone has removed this study from the NLM. What I did find is a number of titles of abstracts from AIDS magazines and organization funded by big drug companies suggesting that people with AIDS should not use garlic along with prescribed HIV meds. These articles bashing garlic had no abstract attached. I would call this science by soundbite.


While 1989 seems like ancient history, early in the 1990’s, there were also published reports at the NLM (Pubmed) that an aspirin a day was increasing CD4 helper cell counts. Since the introduction of protease inhibitors, not a word has been spoken about these earlier discoveries. My own opinion is that while aged garlic extract has a wide range of health benefits in supporting immune function, it does not have the direct germ and virus killing power of raw garlic. This is because raw garlic, (not aged garlic) has a substance called Ajeone- that will kill bacteria, fungus and viruses including HIV on contact.


Here are a few abstracts on “Ajeone”, the active ingredient in raw garlic


Selective in vitro protection of SIVagm-induced cytolysis by ajoene, [(E)-(Z)-4,5,9-trithiadodeca-1,6,11-triene-9 oxide]. Walder R, Kalvatchev Z, Apitz-Castro R.   Biomed Pharmacother. 1998;52(5):229-35.

In vitro suppression of HIV-1 replication by ajoene [(e)-(z)-4,5,9-trithiadodeca-1,6,11-triene-9 oxide]Walder R, Kalvatchev Z, Garzaro D, Barrios M, Apitz-Castro R.Biomed Pharmacother. 1997;51(9):397-403.

Ajoene antagonizes integrin-dependent processes in HIV-infected T-lymphoblasts. Tatarintsev AV, Vrzheshch PV, Schegolev AA, Yershov DE, Turgiev AS, Varfolomeyev SD, Kornilayeva GV, Makarova TV, Karamov EV. AIDS. 1992 Oct;6(10):1215-7. No abstract available.

[The ajoene blockade of integrin-dependent processes in an HIV-infected cell system].  Tatarintsev AV, Vrzhets PV, Ershov DE, Shchegolev AA, Turgiev AS, Karamov EV, Kornilaeva GV, Makarova TV, Fedorov NA, Varfolomeev SD. Vestn Ross Akad Med Nauk. 1992;(11-12):6-10. Russian.

Ajeone, Cancer and the immune system.


A search at the NLM this evening only one word Ajeone yielded 161 scientific studies, a majority of them citing research on Ajeone in the treatment of various types of cancer, and also how it increased IgA production in the intestines of mice. A lot of this research is recent and was published in 2017. It appears that some drug companies, realizing the potential of raw garlic to kill cancer cells, are doing research on synthetic analogues that can be patented and could be very profitably marketed to a vast population infected with cancer. Patented cancer drugs cost $10,000 a month and up while raw garlic would cost pocket change (probably less than $25 a month).

下午在國家醫藥圖書館裡查找關於阿霍烯Ajoene關鍵字的結果有161則科學研究,裡面大多數都指出阿霍烯Ajoene的治療方式能適用多種癌症,還有這能增加實驗老鼠腸道中Immunoglobulin A免疫球蛋白A的數量。這一類的研究很多都是近代的並且成果都有在2017年公布出來。很明顯地可以看出一些藥廠,因為知道了生大蒜對於癌症的潛在治療能力,已經著手在研發合成的藥方,以便申請專利來從感染癌症的龐大民眾和醫藥市場牟利。有專利的癌症藥物一個月的治療費用就需要美金US$一萬元或超過,反觀生大蒜的治療方式可能只需要花費口袋的零錢費用,一個月只花費美金US$25或更少。

For raw garlic to cure AIDS, it has to penetrate and block HIV activity inside the lymph nodes – the main reservoirs of HIV infection. Possibly some of the sulfur compounds inside garlic may mimic the penetrating effects of Di-Methyl SulfOxide (DMSO). When some people get cured of AIDS and/or cancer by eating raw garlic, the big drug companies would definitely want to hide this information from the public. With millions of dollars continuing to pour into the coffers of politicians in Washington DC, don’t hold your breath that natural remedies like garlic (including black seed, Vitamin D and thousands other natural remedies) that you read about here and elsewhere will get any positive support from politicians or from the mainstream media.

假使想用生大蒜來治療愛滋病,必須讓它在淋巴結內穿透並阻擋HIV病毒的活動 那也是主要的HIV感染散佈集中地。或許大蒜裏頭所含有的硫化合物和二甲基亞碸DMSO有著相似的穿透作用。當有人藉著食用生大蒜的方式使得AIDS愛滋病或癌症得到治癒,那些大藥廠也一定會極力要從世人面前掩藏這個事實。也因著數以百萬的資金贊助持續地湧入美國政治首府華盛頓DC那些政治掌權者的金庫裡,你也不用期盼會從主流媒體或是政治人物的口中聽到關於這些自然療法的正面公開支持。像是大蒜、黑種草籽、維他命D和數以千計的天然療法。





可以搭配藥局就能買到的Water Douch擠壓式清洗球和Enema Douch灌腸清洗袋來使用,將蒜精水灌進陰道內、直腸內進行清洗,





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